Thursday, December 28, 2017

       Insane in the membrane, insane in Massachusetts.

Well, another bizarre year here in Massholechusetts is coming to an end. Boy it cant end soon enough for me.This state really makes life impossible from my perspective. What is it about the high taxes, the high prices, the horrid weather, and the lame job creation that that greatly aggravates whatever depressive situation a person may find themselves in. Ok, yes, Mass. has horrible drivers, well renowned for their selfish behavior.And allright, theres not much Mass. residents can do about the lousy weather. (This is global warming?!). And yes, obviously there are some decent people who live here. But I think its two things that really aggravate me, that makes life in a jail cell in some more decent country ( the prisons in Germany seem quite hospitable ), appear preferable to "freedom" here.
       I think its two main issues that makes this place ridiculous. One is the acceptance of corruption, corrupt practices that have probably been going on for generations, but that become more aggravating especially when coming from less corrupt places. Continually accepting corrupt, lazy practices when it comes to DOT. roadwork, is pathetic in my view. New Hampshire roads are far superior to our "highways to hell" at certainly less cost, when you look at their state revenues and budget. And yet year after year, denizens of Massachusetts accept these transportation travesties. Come on, folks, when will you have had enough of breaking your axals on ginormous potholes that should have been repaired ages ago. To have potholes this bad, the DOT has to be willfully ignoring some stretches of roadway, perhaps in a ridiculous attempt to get more funding( or slush money ). It is tough to want to give these guys more money when you look at the insane cost overruns on projects like the big dig, though.Keep on racketeering, guys!
        And of course you have the bureaucratic mentality in places like the RMV, with dozens of fees that are much higher than in many other states, the DOC, with its bizarre salery structure, and of course the scandels and horror that have resulted because of the failures of DCF. When is enough, enough already? I truly believe it is to some extent because Massachusetts is a one party state, and the party machinery has remained unchallenged for years, as one democrat after another hands off to their successor, after staying in office for 40, 50 years or so. Im not saying the republicans, especially in this state are really any better, but any place you have a one party system, (think Cuba or North Korea), you eventually end up with tons of corruption, greed and graft.
    At the end of the day, each resident of Massachusetts has a decision to make regardi g the corrupt state of affairs we live in; either accept the shoddyness, or stand against it, run for office, make yourself known that you as a taxpayer are not going to put up with it.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

I Live In Hoth.

Remember Hoth, the frozen ice planet from The Empire Strikes Back? Well, apparently I have died, gone to some frozen hades, and than been transported to a frozen wasteland called Worcester, Massachusetts. Man, this can be one callous, cold, miserable place. Lets take a look at whats wrong with this city.
1) The worst drivers in America.
       Without question, Worcester has some of the worlds worst drivers. Folks who drive very aggressively, constantly cutting eachother off, passing in no passing zones, leaning on the horn to those few drivers who obay the speed limit, and than, when the mood strikes, parking in the middle of the street. To bad if anybody else needs to use the roadway. Generally, Worcesterites drive like they are the Masshole of massholes, bulletproof, unaccountable to anything but there own egos.
2) Social stratification.
          Obviously almost every society has its rich and poor folks, but Worcester is particularly stratified, seeming to have a holliwed out middle class. Here, you you basically have your doctors and lawers, professionals, and then the rest of us are on varying levels of the underclass, struggling to survive,  (and failing), on 11, 12 bucks an hour. With the high cost of rents in the northeast, its just impossible. And the professionals, of course, know they are better than the underclass, and winr give us the time of day. Certainly these are issues in many cities and cultures, but it feels even more obnoxious here in Worcester.
3) The weather.
          Did I mention its cold as hell out here? I dont know who got the bright idea to originally settle here in this location, but it was a bad idea from the start. Were in a snow zone that averages over 80 inches of snow a year, as well as just plain being a hilly, cold place, its really not alot of fun unless you live in a nice place, with a good heating system , which many cant afford, because of a lack of decent, middle class jobs. So you have a lot of people trying to recover from very difficult circumstances, living in substandard housing, in the middle of Hoth. Not exactly living the dream. And the city makes noises about helping the homeless, having more affordable housing, but its all a sad joke. Thats why Id rather be homeless living in Phoenix or San Diego, than turning into a human popsicle out here.
       Well, that enough of my ranting for the moment. What do you think? Im interested to here of other people frustrated with their city. E- mail Davidchersonsky@ if you'd like to gripe about your city. Thanks for any feedback!